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Construction project Luitpoldviertel, Nuremberg

The new Luitpoldviertel district is being built on the former „Autohaus Krauss“ site in Nuremberg. Construction work on the complex will begin in mid-2022.

Ready to use our new product?

After more than a year of development and an intensive testing phase, Calenberg has developed elastomeric bearings with different Cistep® types as a sound insulation measure for stairs.

67. BetonTage

More than 100 exhibitors and three days of lecture programmes in up to five parallel panels made up the 67th BetonTage in Ulm, which took place from 20 to 22 June.

RailLog Korea 2023

RailLog Korea was held in Bexco (Busan Exhibition & Convention Center) Busan on 14 to 17 June 2023 showing the companies news of South Korea and internationals related to the sectors railway technology, interior fittings, infrastructure and logistics.

Seminar 'Reducing Mechanical Vibrations'

Esslingen Technical Academy
An der Akademie 5
73760 Ostfildern

Filstal Bridge - Elastic Bearings from Calenberg on Germany's Third-Highest Railway Bridge

With the completion of the new Wendlingen-Ulm line as part of the Stuttgart-Ulm project, DB's high-speed rail network has been well expanded.

New track system in operation at Gera Wiesestraße!

At the beginning of May 2023, the completely renovated track system at Wiesestraße in Gera was officially handed over. The construction project was carried out in four construction phases during ongoing tram operation.

67. BetonTage

20 to 22 June 2023
Stand 81, Upper floor

Impressions of Train&Rail 2023

For three days, the Train & Rail's first fair in Stockholm was filled with lectures, exhibitors, mingling and meetings, attracting more than 3000 visitors.

Welcome to 'Calenberg' in Spanish and Dutch!

'Calenberg' has expanded its site to more languages.
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